Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Philippi A City of Immeasurable Significance - 2218 Words
Philippi: A City of Immeasurable Significance Philippi is a city rich in ancient history, and is possibly the most important archeological site of the great plain of eastern Macedonia.? The ancient town has seen the fate of the West played out within its borders on several occasions and majestic ruins left from the town?s extraordinary history testify to the great civilizations that have inhabited the region.? Philippi is most famous for two reasons: it was the scene of one of the most decisive battles in history, and it was the first European city to accept Christianity (Willett). Located in the Northeast crescent of Greece, Philippi sits about nine miles north of the shore in the province of Macedonia, and lies within the†¦show more content†¦The rest of the Republican forces capitulated, and Philippi came under the yoke of the Romans in October of 42 B.C.? Although Rome?s destiny was sealed by the victory of Octavian (who regained control of his forces) and Mark Antony over the Republicans Brutus and Cassius, the stage was set for the inevitable conflict between these two winners.? The battle for ultimate control dragged on for eleven years and ended with Antony?s defeat at Actium.? Continuing the trend, he committed suicide in Egypt, leaving Octavian (later Augustus) as the undisputed ruler of Rome (Willett). Afterward, war veterans settled in the region and it received the status of a Roman colony, meaning that henceforth, its inhabitants enjoyed the same rights as Roman citizens in Italy.? Those rights included immunity from taxation, the right to own and sell property, and the right of civil action.? At the same time, Latin became the official language.? Because of Philippi?s fortunate position on the Via Egnatia trade route, the city enjoyed considerable prosperity that peaked in second century A.D. (Neosguide). Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles The city of Neopolis (modern Kav#6945;), the port closest to Philippi, was the European landing point for travelers from the Orient.? It was here that St. Paul landed in 49 A.D. to embark on his mission of converting the
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Civilization That Used Propaganda And Control Its People...
Another civilization that used propaganda to control its people is ancient Egypt. Between 2450 BCE and 2250 BCE, Egyptian elders wrote documents offering advice to their successors. One of these documents was written by the pharaoh, Wahkare, to his son, and another one was written by chief advisor, Ptah-hotep, to Egyptian citizens. These documents were a form of propaganda, and they were important because they instructed Egyptians to obey their pharaohs and their superiors, keeping social order, and keeping the powerful in power. In these documents, the elders instruct their successors to â€Å"[do] right for the king until death†(Egyptian Elders’ Advice to their Successors, MyHistoryLab, P. 27). The documents sought to keep rebels and revolutionaries’ voices suppressed so that Egyptian tradition would persist and Egypt would remain powerful. The elders warn their successors that â€Å"a talker is an exciter of a city [and to] divert the multitude and suppress its heat†(Egyptian Elders’ Advice to their Successors, MyHistoryLab, P. 23). The elders insist that their successors do not listen to a man with radical new ideas, but instead â€Å"copy [their] fathers and [their] ancestors†(Egyptian Elders’ Advice to their Successors, MyHistoryLab, P. 23). These documents reveal that Egyptian elders had great love for their empire and wanted to see their traditions live on after them. In one of these documents, the elder states that â€Å"a man works for him who was before him, through a desire thatShow MoreRelatedAchievements and Weaknesses of the Middle Kingdom and Its Downfall1316 Words  | 6 PagesIn Ancient Egypt, the Middle Kingdom is seen as one of its finest ages. This is because it was a time of ‘expanding political strength’ and ‘broader economic horizons’[1]. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
The View from Down Under free essay sample
Good things come in smallpackages. Trust me, I know. All towering four feet and eleven inches of me canattest to the truth of this well-known maxim. In my opinion, I am a 17-year-oldmature, responsible girl who is about to embark on the tumultuous journey oftenreferred to as college. While this is true, many people have a difficult timebelieving it. They perceive me as a cute little girl, perhaps about to embark onthe tumultuous journey often referred to as high school. Yes, thats right, highschool. My world is full of remarks such as Arent you just thecutest little thing! and an array of nicknames that employ clever spin-offsof the word short. (Its surprising what people can come up with.)During head counts people often find it hilarious to count me as only half aperson, and almost daily I witness the disbelieving face of someone who haslearned my true age. We will write a custom essay sample on The View from Down Under or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I would be lying if I said this never bothers me.Believe me, Ive used my fair share of age-enhancing techniques: experimentingwith make-up, hair styles and a short girls best friend: big shoes. Yes, theyget the job done temporarily, but when the make-up is washed off, the hair letdown and the shoes put away, what am I left with? Me. And is that really such abad thing? No! Its taken me most of my teenage life to recognize that short doesnot equal bad and that people arent doing me any harm by thinking I look 12.These people cant help it I do look young. If I were given theopportunity to be tall, I would turn it down. It would change me. My shortnesshas given me character; its a part of me. Ive learned how to take jokes andreciprocate, but I also think twice before commenting on a persons appearancebecause I know it can hurt. Ive been there. After a period of doubt anddiscontentment, Ive finally accepted the fact that Ill forever be tellingpeople, Yes, I really am 17 (or 21, or 30). Ive learned to deal with theharsh reality that Ill be getting the kids menu at restaurants (one of the moreembarrassing hardships) even when Im well into my twenties. Oh, and one morething: my pants will always be just a little bit too long. But thats okay withme.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Jump Ship To Freedom Essays (309 words) - , Term Papers
Jump Ship To Freedom This book was about slavery and Arabus who wanted to be free and not have to answer to his slave master Ivers who treated him like dirt. It is hard to compare Arabus and me because there is not much in common between us. One thing we have in common is that we both believe that African Americans should not be discriminated apart from white people. Something that we don't have in common is that his father is dead and mine is not. We both have determination. Arabus was trying to become free by stealing his Fathers soldiers notes and then sailing with Ivers all the way to New York and then jumping off and swimming away from Ivers so he could find his fathers old friend and trading in his dads notes for money and then he could by his freedom and then buy his mothers freedom. I have never had to fight for my freedom but I think I would have the determination to fight for my freedom. We can both swim well. He proves he is a good swimmer when he jumps off the ship and swims away to get to New York. I have never proved I'm a good swimmer by swimming away. People know I can swim well because they have seen me swim at the pool. I don't think that I could swim away for as long as he did. The last thing that I will compare is the fact that he lost his dad when he was really young and I still have mine. His dad was a soldier that was fight and his ship sunk and was African American . My dad is not a soldier and he is not There are differences but I think we could be friends if we were the same age because we have the same morals. What we don't have in common are little things that don't matter as much.
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