Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Civilization That Used Propaganda And Control Its People...
Another civilization that used propaganda to control its people is ancient Egypt. Between 2450 BCE and 2250 BCE, Egyptian elders wrote documents offering advice to their successors. One of these documents was written by the pharaoh, Wahkare, to his son, and another one was written by chief advisor, Ptah-hotep, to Egyptian citizens. These documents were a form of propaganda, and they were important because they instructed Egyptians to obey their pharaohs and their superiors, keeping social order, and keeping the powerful in power. In these documents, the elders instruct their successors to â€Å"[do] right for the king until death†(Egyptian Elders’ Advice to their Successors, MyHistoryLab, P. 27). The documents sought to keep rebels and revolutionaries’ voices suppressed so that Egyptian tradition would persist and Egypt would remain powerful. The elders warn their successors that â€Å"a talker is an exciter of a city [and to] divert the multitude and suppress its heat†(Egyptian Elders’ Advice to their Successors, MyHistoryLab, P. 23). The elders insist that their successors do not listen to a man with radical new ideas, but instead â€Å"copy [their] fathers and [their] ancestors†(Egyptian Elders’ Advice to their Successors, MyHistoryLab, P. 23). These documents reveal that Egyptian elders had great love for their empire and wanted to see their traditions live on after them. In one of these documents, the elder states that â€Å"a man works for him who was before him, through a desire thatShow MoreRelatedAchievements and Weaknesses of the Middle Kingdom and Its Downfall1316 Words  | 6 PagesIn Ancient Egypt, the Middle Kingdom is seen as one of its finest ages. This is because it was a time of ‘expanding political strength’ and ‘broader economic horizons’[1]. 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